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Skip to contentThe Family Run & Friends is a non-competitive race, open to all from 0 to 99 years-old. It is not necessary to present a medical certificate.
The event is free for children under 10 years of age (coupled with at least a paying adult) whereas everyone else will incur a €5 registration fee in order to participate.
You can walk, run or stop, take a selfie, bring your dog. There is but one goal: to have fun!
Like every year, the Family Run is organized in collaboration with the Fondazione Sostenitori Ospedale Santobono ETS, to which part of the proceeds will go.
Our non-competitive races wish to aggregate adults and children in the name of sport so as to let everyone know the pleasure of running and crossing the finish line.
There are always many prizes for the participants: a t-shirt sporting and the medal.
You can register directly online here >>> or directly at the Expo on Friday 24 February 2023 from 14:00 to 20:00 or Saturday 25 February from 9:00 up to half an hour before the start of the race.
Napoli | Mostra d’Oltremare
Saturday February 25, 2023 at 11:00 am